KULINA INDIGENOUS TRIBE: It is found located in the area of the middle valley of the Javari River and the lower Curuca River. There are an estimated 80 people.
KURUBO INDIGENOUS TRIBE: They live between the Itacoai and Itui Rivers. There are approximately 300 people.
FLECHERO INDIGENOUS TRIBE: They are located in the lands near the San Jose Creek and the right riverbank of the Itacoai River. There are approximately 300 people.
TSOHON DJAPA INDIGENOUS TRIBE: They wander among the headwaters of the Jandiatuba, Itui, and Curuena Rivers. There are approximately 120 people.
ISOLATED INDIGENOUS TRIBE OF THE JANDIATUBE: There are approximately 300 people.
ISOLATED INDIGENOUS TRIBE OF THE QUIXITO: Their lands extend from the Izquierdo River to the headwaters of the Quixito River. There are approximately 300 people.
ISOLATED INDIGENOUS TRIBE OF THE JUTAI: There are approximately 200 people.
The birdwatching is an activity that has been practiced since the late-18th century; Gilbert White, Thomas Bewick, George Montagu and John Clare were one of the first persons who registered their work in the birdwatching field. The birdwatching is also called birding, is the study of birds, you can listen to their calls, watch their behavior in freedom, witness their rituals and more. The Amazon rainforest, is a perfect place to practice birdwatching, the lower Río Javarí is home to more than 500 species of birds, creating an unusual mix of avian elements from western and southern Amazonia, with even a few species present that are generally found only north of the Amazon River.
Several species of birds are difficult or even impossible to see elsewhere in Brazil or Peru, making the area attractive also for serious country liters. The Río Javarí has been relatively little visited by ornithologists, and only in recent years has the terra firme become better known, resulting in the discovery of at least two new species of birds for science. Pending the official publishing of these two species, which will likely be within the next two years.