Heliconia is a perfect place to spend your Amazon vacation and take an excursion in the jungle, is a unique place where you can see and do amazing things only available there.
Amazon rainforest includes over 7 million kilometres of dense flora, making Amazon rainforest a paradisiacal place, attractive to practice ecotourism.
The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world with an extension of 6.275 kilometres, it is born in the mountain chain of the Andes, on Peruvian territory and It ends in Pará State, north Brasil.
Heliconia nature reserve, has a great biodiversity, you can practice Amazon ecotourism activities such as fishing, rainforest birdwatching, canopying, and others.
About the fauna, Amazon has hundreds of mammal’s species, over 1.500 different bird species, millions of insects, a huge number of reptiles, amphibians and microorganisms, many of which still have not qualified